Friday, July 20, 2012

Lima, Peru

Lima, Peru is at sea level so there is no need to equalize or prepare for lack of oxygen. We had taken Ginko bilboa pills for 2 weeks before our trip to help oxygenate our bodies and prevent altitudu sickness. While on the plane our excitement was surreal. As we began descending we could see the peaks of the Andes mountains. The peaks rose above a thick set of clouds that seemed like a lake of clouds, very dense and white. i remeber thinkiing how high must these peaks be if the dense sea of clouds is below them like the sea? We descended that set of dense cloud only to see more peaks of mountains and once again another set of dense clouds that lay at the bottom. It was surreal to look up and see clouds and then look down and see clouds, it was something my husband and I had never before seen. We laughed at the the thought that we were already amazed at the sights we were seeing and had not even landed the plane. Lima is the capital of Peru and has xxxx habitants. From the plane we begun to see the coastline and city of Lima, very grey and gloomy but a coastal industrialized capital. The airport is about a 1/2 hour drive without traffic.

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